If you want to upgrade your account, you can effortlessly do that in your Free Plan. If you've already created plans, actions, and other content in your Free Plan, you can continue working on them by moving them to your new Team Plan. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it (if you have already logged in to Team Plan, you can skip to Step 2):


  1. Open your Free Plan and choose Upgrade to Team Plan in the upper right corner of your view. After activating your subscription, you'll receive login credentials in your email.
  2. Log in to Team Plan, choose Open Plan-365, and go to Settings in the upper right corner of your view.
  3. Choose Others and click Import Data. A new window opens and asks you to type in or paste a validation key. You'll find the key in your Free Plan, as described in the following step.
  4. Open your Free Plan and go to Settings in the upper right corner of your view.
  5. Choose Export Data and then click Generate File. Your computer will ask you to save the file, so click Save.
  6. You'll see a validation key in the window when you've saved the file. Copy the key and paste it into your Team Plan (as described in Step 2).
  7. When you've entered the activation key, click Import Data, and when the import is complete, click Finish Import. That's it; you're good to go!